各種蠟塊: 褪色蠟,燒焦蠟,拋光蠟,填充蠟。備有無色,黑色,棕色可供選擇。
Brush-off wax: Produces two-tone effect on brush-off leather after brushing with cloth wheel .
Carioca wax:Carioca wax which produces burnishing effect on lanolin leather . Black version SW 942.
Polishing wax:Crystal wax for final polishing of uppers . It gives a natural feel and an elegant gloss without patches . Available in black SW-945 , brown SW-943 .
Filler wax:Filler wax for leather uppers . It fills the surface with a deep mellow gloss after polishing . Also available in black SW-947 and brown SW-948 .
Carnauba wax:It is called carnauba wax which recommended for burnished leather as final polish .
White polishing wax:White apperarance crystal wax for final polishing of uppers . It gives a natural feel and elegant gloss without patches . It is very suitable for light color or white color leather .

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