用于工業上利用刀模裁斷軟塑料板材、皮革、纖維、棉紡織品、硬紙或其它類似材料。 1、設有自動供油潤滑系統,減少磨損,延長使用壽命。 2、采用電子延時電路控制沖程下限位置,精度高,可提高制鞋品質,利用手輪調節擺臂距工作 臺高度,簡單、可靠、方便。
It is used to scissor up plastic boards leather fibre cotton fibres paper carton andother similar materials. a.it is equiped with lubricating system to lessen wear and prolong service life. b.its lower limit of stroke is controlled by a tome-lapse circuit with high precision so it can made high-quality shoes peoaple can adjust highth of sway arm from table by handle simple, convenient stable. |