香港弘毅集團管理顧問股份有限公司 河南益品正林鞋業有限公司 河南益品正林鞋業有限公司是隸屬于香港弘毅集團管理顧問股份有限公司的知名企業。企業集行業咨詢、產品研發、生產及品牌連鎖加盟銷售為一體。其主要產品是原產澳大利亞的春羔羊皮(俗稱“皮毛一體”)加工生產的雪地靴,所使用的原料均經全球最先進的“生態鞣制”工藝技術加工,具有舒適、天然環保等特點,產品以其奢華、經典、柔美等特點博得了廣大消費者的青睞。其注冊擁有的LUYA麓丫商標,旨在打造國際國內知名鞋類品牌,領航時尚潮流。 產品定位:高品質標準 經典 奢華 產品追求:品牌價值 時尚 品味 天然 Luya麓丫系列靴、鞋在傳遞時尚,追求品味,天然的同時,也給人們帶來了舒適柔軟的穿著效果。其天然環保的原料及不斷推陳出新的流行元素,正在給人們詮釋著企業追求卓越和品牌價值的經典神話。 Henan benefit product is Lin shoes Co., LTDis theHong Kong hongyi group management consultants Co., ltd.,authorized by holding the well-known enterprise. Enterprise integrating industry consultation, product research and development, production and brand chain-like alliance. Its main products are native Australia lamb skin (known as "fur") of the production process, use to boot boots materials are the most advanced "global ecological tanning" technology processing, a comfortable, natural environment, and the luxury and graceful, characteristics such as classic won the favor from the masses of consumers. Its registered trademark owned LUYA foothill, ya domestic and international famous brand building, leading fashion footwear. The productorientation of high quality standard, classic costly Products:brand value pursuit vogue taste Luya foothill ya series in fashion shoes, boots, pursue the taste, natural, but also bring a comfortable soft in effect. The natural environment of material and constantly popular element, is the enterprise to pursuing excellence and brand value of classical mythology.