溫州市鋇寧鞋機專為制鞋、箱包等行業提供“鋇寧”牌工業縫紉機,集整機營銷、零件供應、技術服務為一體的專業用工業縫紉機商行,以先進的生產設備、齊全的零配件、精良制造的“鋇寧牌”工業用縫紉機深受廣大業界同 仁的好評。 我們奉行“信譽第一、客戶至上、服務完善、價格合理”的原則為各廠家提供各種不同類型的制鞋設備。我們將以誠信的作風,創新的精神,不斷推出質優價廉的產品。 公司主要經營:縫紉機,高頭車,包邊機,裁斷機,拉幫機,鞋機,電腦針車,熱熔膠機。 歡迎廣大新老客戶及同行的光臨指導,加強合作關系,共創鞋機行業更廣闊的空間,公司將不斷擴大經營范圍 ,為走向更加輝煌的明天而努力! 我們愿與你攜手共創美好的未來! Wenzhou Barium Ning shoes machine designed for shoes, bags, etc to provide "barium ning" brand industrial sewing machine, set the marketing, parts supply, technical services for the integration of professional firm with industrial sewing machine, with advanced production equipment, complete spare parts, the advanced manufacturing "barium ning brand" industrial sewing machine favored by the majority of the industry of the kernel with high praise. We carries out "the prestige first, the customer is supreme, and perfect service, price reasonable" principle for manufacturers to provide all kinds of different types of shoes manufacture equipment. We will be honest style and the spirit of innovation, and constantly introduce high-quality products. The company's main business: sewing machines, high truck, bag sewing machine, cutting machine, pull-lasting machine, shoe machine, computer sewing machine, hot melt adhesive machine. Welcome new and old customers and colleagues to visit and strengthen partnerships to create a wider space of the shoe machine industry, the company will continue to expand the business scope and work towards a more brilliant tomorrow! We are willing to join hands in creating a better future with you!