晉江燦興白乳膠廠始創于1998年,位于中國鞋都晉江陳埭,專業生產天然乳膠鞋材制品。主營:白乳膠,清潔水,樹脂,PU膠,復合膠,粉膠等。本廠經過多年探索與技術改造,制作工藝嚴格把關,設備完善,品種齊全,可與國內外鞋業廠商產品相配套。歡迎各廠商來人來函聯系,攜手合作,共同興旺發達。 Jinjiang Canxing white latex factory was founded in 1998, is located in the China shoes Jinjiang Chendai, specializing in the production of natural latex shoes products. Main products: white latex, clean water, resin, PU glue, adhesive, plastic powder etc.. After years of exploration and technical renovation of the factory, the production process strictly, perfect equipment, variety complete, with the domestic and foreign footwear manufacturers supporting products. Welcome to contact the manufacturer, coming person incoming letter to work together, common prosperity.
員工人數 | 5 - 10 人 | 年營業額 | 0 | 公司注冊地 | 晉江市陳埭 | 主要經營地點 | 晉江市陳埭 | 法定代表人 | 丁國燦 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 進口白乳膠;粉膠;黃膠;PU膠;熱熔膠;復合膠;鞋材料;白礦油 |