大通商貿實業發展有限公司是一家集貿易生產的專業化從事制鞋的企業,主要開發生產男女運動鞋、休閑鞋、籃球鞋、足球鞋、涼拖鞋等系列產品。公司擁有先進的生產設備,配備完整的檢測系統的流水生產線,采用先進的科學管理模式,使用優質材料,經過精心設計和嚴格生產加工的品牌鞋,能根據客戶要求及世界流行趨勢推陳出新設計開發出符合市場趨勢的產品。公司的產品多次得到客戶的好評,被客戶評為“最佳伙伴”稱號。 公司自開辦以來,一直實行“高、精、嚴”的生產路線:第一、專業生產高檔和高質量的產品。第二、制作工藝精,選料上層。第三、管理嚴格,對生產管理有系統的規劃和嚴格的控制,我們一直抱著敬業、務實、進取之態度,不斷創新,趨勢款式為已任,嚴謹生產品質管理,以確保產品品質。始終列于同行前列。以完善優質的服務,配合客戶,深受廣大客戶推崇。 本公司產品暢銷全國各地,并遠銷中東歐美中南亞,等二十多個國家和地區,深受國內外消費者青睞。今后我們將一如既往地不斷進取,迎接新世紀,再創新輝煌。以報答廣大客戶之厚愛與關照。 Datong Connercial Trade Industry conpany limited is a footware enterprise which combine footware trade with footware manufature.Our company bussiness scope:designing and manufacting series of products such as man and woman spont shoe.leisure shoe.basketball shoe.football shoe and slipper. Our company is equipped with advanced manufacture equipment and modera production line with perfect in spection system.We adopt modern slientifical management model,meticuously design andstrictly process top-brand products which make lr ligh-qualitg material.We can design and manufalt different kinds of products in accordanee with customers requirement and interration style.Also,we can design and manufact different products in line with the demand lf market. Sirce our company established,we hauo keen carrying out our produition guideline ligh-qualitg product top techaology and superfine material and strictness in management firstly.our company car professionaely design and produce top-grade and high-qualitg footware;Secondly,the products are featured by top-technology and superfine material;Thirdly,we strenghen produition management:systematical production plan and strict production controt. We adoptattitude:deootion.pragmaticness and progressiueness.We embrace innooation or creatine spirrt and emphasize moderaness.creatiuitg.originaritg and variety of product style.Also,westreaghen our product management to ensure top-rank in quality in footware industry.Furtheracore.weperfect and wpgrade our service and establish cooperatiue relationship with our customers.These efforts are rewarded with waran welcome and high praise from our customers.Also,our company win the title close partner fromcustomers. With giant stride just as in the past.We are greeting new century,Assuringly,we will gain new brilliant achiuement to liue up to the expectation and hope from our customers.