晉江德茂鞋材有限公司位于---中國鞋都晉江,是一家專業發泡高密度再生綿:又名海波麗(HI-POLY),保利優(POLYYOU),舒保綿,聚合再生綿, ,環保透氣鞋墊綿)EVA、PU、記憶綿、歐士萊(aureright,ortholite,歐索萊)。現有的普通鞋墊因其不透氣性,在穿著后容易產生 悶熱、潮濕、氣味等不可避免的問題,紿不斷追求突破的現代人士帶來了不必要的困擾。研究和開發新一代鞋墊材料就成為當前要攻克的課題,晉江市德茂鞋材有限公司為了填補此領域的空白,積極引進國際先進技術和生產設備,并順應國際環保潮流,成功開發了新一代鞋墊材料——高密度再生綿又名(海波麗(HI- POLY),保利優(POLYYOU),舒保綿,聚合再生綿, ,環保透氣鞋墊綿)斜坡棉。高密度再生綿是利用先進設備和技術將各種回收海棉處理再加入特種原料聚合而成的,該產品具有良好的透氣、吸濕、防臭除臭、緩震和輕質的特點,能為您排除由普通鞋墊帶來的困擾。足部護理,鞋墊首選--德茂鞋材有限公司一直秉承著誠信第一,質量保證的理念經營每一個客戶!歡迎海內外的客戶咨詢我們,與本公司合作共贏!
Jinjiang Demao shoe material Co., Ltd. is located in Jinjiang, China shoes capital, is a professional foaming high density regeneration sponge: also known as Haibo Li (HI-POLY), poly and (POLYYOU), Shu Baomian, polymerization regeneration sponge, environmentally friendly, breathable insole foam), EVA, PU, memory foam, European Shilai (aureright, ORTHOLITE, Ousuolai). The existing ordinary insoles because of its air tightness, after wearing prone to hot and humid, the smell, the inevitable question, is going to continue to pursue the breakthrough of modern people who bring unnecessary trouble. Research and development of a new generation of insole materials become at present, it is necessary to overcome the problem, Jinjiang Demao shoe material Co., Ltd. in order to fill the blank of this field, and actively introduce international advanced technology and production equipment, and conform to the international trend of environmental protection, the successful development of a new generation of shoe material, high density regeneration cotton aka (Haibo Li (HI poly), poly and (POLYYOU), Shu Baomian, polymerization cotton regeneration, environmentally friendly, breathable insole foam) Co slope cotton. High density regeneration sponge is the use of advanced equipment and technology to be recycling all kinds of foam processing with special material polymerization, the product has good breathable, moisture absorption, deodorization deodorization, cushioning and lightweight characteristics, can remove for you brought about by the ordinary insoles distress. Foot care, consumer choice - - - - - - -... Company has been adhering to the integrity first, quality assurance of the concept of business every customer! Welcome customers at home and abroad to cooperate and win-win cooperation!
員工人數 | 51 - 100 人 | 年營業額 | 人民幣 1000 萬元 - 2000 萬元 | 公司注冊地 | 福建省晉江市陳埭鎮 | 主要經營地點 | 福建省晉江市陳埭鎮洋埭中興路12號后面 | 法定代表人 | 周經理 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 舒寶棉;海波麗;保利優;舒保綿;聚合再生綿;環保透氣鞋墊綿;EVA、PU、記憶綿、歐士萊;歐索萊 |