東莞市創時轉印材料有限公司(簡稱“創時公司”)成立于2002年,是一家高新技術企業,同時引進日本技術、設備的新型企業工廠位于中國沿海城市。是一家專業生產銷售燙金材料,熱轉印燙畫材料的專業型企業。 經營產品:反光轉印膜、PU熱轉印刻字膜、弱溶劑彩噴膜、燙畫膠片、熱轉印油墨(水性.油性.熱固)、燙畫熱熔膠、燙金紙、熱熔粉、熱轉印硅膠、硅膠熱熔膠、深淺色轉印紙、夜光膜、粘膠制品、油墨化工等系列產品的企業。 公司擁有一批高素質的專業技術人員和管理人員,以人為本,長期致力于先進油墨化工和包裝燙金材料開發與研制。公司先后引進了國外先進設備(日本涂布機三臺,國產涂布機9臺,先進的英國鍍鋁機,分切機6臺,壓鐳機2臺,腹卷機12臺及各類化工設備等),年產銷100多萬卷。 公司多年以來,一直致力于提高產品的質量和服務,是國內設備最優、技術最先進、品種最齊全、企業規模最大的企業,擁有出口權,產品暢銷世界各地。 公司不斷加大高新技術和先進設備領域的技術和資金投入,不斷的強化員工的技術培訓。確保公司產品在同類行業的領先地位,公司始終視質量,信譽為生命, 誠信、務實、高效、新穎、質優、價廉與廣大客戶共贏為宗旨,秉承追求卓越、誠信厚德的公司理念,竭誠為客戶提供滿意的產品和服務。 熱忱歡迎各界朋友來電、來客洽談業務,竭誠同廣大新老客戶攜手合作、互惠互利、共同發展!攜手共創美好未來。 Dongguan chuangshi transfer printing material Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "a company") was founded in 2002, is a high-tech enterprises, at the same time, the introduction of a new type of business Japanese technology, equipment factory is located in China's coastal city. Is a professional production and sales of professional enterprise gilding material, heat transfer printing material. The company has a number of high-quality professional and technical personnel and management personnel, people-oriented, long-term commitment to the advanced printing ink chemical and packaging materials research and development. The company has introduced foreign advanced equipment (Japan coating machine three, homebred coating machine 9 sets, the aluminum plating machine, advanced cutting machine 6 sets, pressure radium machine 2, abdominal volume machines and 12 various types of chemical equipment), annual sales of about 1000000 volumes. Over the years the company, has been committed to improving the quality of products and services, is the best equipment, the most advanced technology, the most complete varieties, the largest business enterprises, have the right to export, products sell well all over the world. Products: reflective transfer film, PU thermal transfer lettering membrane, weak solvent inkjet film, reflective transfer film, high reflective transfer film, thermal transfer ink (water. Oily. Thermosetting), heat transfer of hot melt adhesive, bronzing paper, hot melt powder, silica powder, silica gel hot melt thermal transfer, hot melt adhesive, heat transfer film, silica gel the depth of color transfer paper, luminous film, anti sublimation ink (oily. Water), hot stamping paper. The company has continuously increased high and new technology and advanced equipment in the field of technology and capital investment, continue to strengthen the technical training of staff. Ensure that the company's products in the same industry leading position, the company always regards the quality, reputation for life, integrity, pragmatic, efficient, innovative, high quality, low price and customer win-win situation for the purpose, adhering to the pursuit of excellence, integrity Tak company idea, wholeheartedly provide satisfactory products and service to our customers, we warmly welcome all the friends call visitors, negotiate business, wholeheartedly with the vast number of old and new customers to join hands in cooperation, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit, common development! Join hands in creating a better future. Dongguan.chuangshi transfer printing material Co. Ltd. Tel: 0769-81623772 Fax: 0769-85652926 Skype : chuangshi518 Skype: chuangshi518 Business QQ: 1481066579 E-mail: chuangshi518@163.com