恒惠鞋廠成立于1993年5月18日,科豐鞋服公司成立于2003年5月18日,花園式廠房,占地面積100畝,擁有十多年的鞋類生產經驗,專業開發設計、生產高檔硫化鞋、運動鞋的知名企業。 公司成立以來社會信譽良好,國家工商總局授予:“全國重合同守信用先進單位”,泉州市人民政府授予:“勞動用工規范管理”先進企業,泉州市總工會授予:“先進職工之家”,公司現有5條成型線。擁有員工1000多人,日產運動鞋、硫化鞋1萬多雙,年生產能力350萬雙。 公司二期工程于2007年初投入使用,公司三期工程2008年動工,2009年投入使用,到2010年公司成型線將達到12條,58條針車線。公司總人數將達到4500人,將形成開發設計、生產、銷售于一體大型集團運營公司,月生產能力100萬雙,年生產能力1000萬雙。年產值6-8億人民幣。 Henghui shoes Factory was established in May 18, 1993. Kefeng Shoes&Apparel Company was set up in May 18, 2003. Covering 100 acres of land, it has garden-like plants and more than 10 years’ experience of footwear manufacturing. It professionally develops, designs and produces high-grade sulfide shoes and sports shoes.Since its establishment, the company has got good social reputation. It has successively been granted National Contract-honoring and Promise-keeping Advanced Unit by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Advanced Enterprise with Normal management in Laboring and Employment by Quanzhou Municipal People's Government and Advanced Employees’ Home by Quanzhou Municipal Federation of Trade Unions. Now it has five molding lines and more than 1,000 staff. With the annual production capacity of 3.5 million pairs, its daily output of sports shoes and sulfide shoes reaches more than 10,000 pairs.The 2nd phase of its project was put into use in early 2007.Its 3the phase will be built in 2008 and put into use in 2009.In 2010 the company will have 12 molding lines and 58 knitting machine lines. Its total number of staff will reach 4,500.It will become a big group operating company with the collection of development, design, production and marketing. With the monthly production capacity of 1 million pairs, its annual production capacity will be 10 million pairs. Its annual output value will be 600 to 800 million yuan.