廣州市承林鞋業有限公司是一家集設計、開發、生產、銷售于一體的專業化鞋業生產商和經銷商。公司秉承“制頂級鞋子,造百年老店”的經營目標及理念,以嚴謹的工作作風及非凡的群體創新力,著力打造好品質、國際化、時尚化、高品位的鞋業品牌,同時為全球客戶度身定造各類新潮暢銷的女鞋、男鞋等,款款經典,卓而不凡,贏得客戶的贊賞和信任。 作為從業經驗超過10年的專業公司,我們同時擁有豐富的中國鞋類產品資源和強大的產品組織能力,能夠勝任成為全球各地鞋商的中國代理或合作伙伴。我們將竭誠為您提供全面的樣品確定、訂單跟蹤及產品檢驗等專業服務,助您輕松拓展中國市場。 我們熱忱歡迎國內外客戶光臨指導,共商合作,攜手共創中國鞋業的美好明天! Our company,Centring Footwear Co., Ltd. is specialized in shoes field. We focus on well-designed, stylish, tailor-made women’s shoes for more than 10 years and continuously expand our business market to satisfy our main and newly coming customers. We can source not only ladies dress & casual now, but also men"s casual & dress, sports shoes, safety shoes, etc. from China, and work as your agent team of sample following, orders tracking, quality assurance. We will do our best to help you improve business in/with China. If you are interested in our stylish designs, or our various experienced source from China, please feel free to contact us.