本公司成立于2000年,地處中國東南沿海福建省晉江市,坐落于中國 鞋都。歷經十多年的努力,得到迅速的發展,已成為鞋材界的知名企業, 是一家專業生產鞋用中底板的批發商。在當地業界率先注冊冠名: “和興”品牌的各種產品:防水紙板、纖維板、紅板、灰板、橙板、插 腰板、皮克隆、特克松、灰、白色條紋中底、麗新中底、白、綠色雙針中 底、棉花襯、再生中底等低、中、高檔鞋用中底板,品種齊全、廠家直銷, 品質穩定、服務周到。 我們的產品已經通過國內外多家檢測機構的標準測試,在廣東、溫州、 石家莊等地方都設有銷售點,產品現已遠銷至亞洲、中東、歐洲和南美州 等鞋材市場。 感謝大家長期以來對我們的關注和支持,我們將繼續為您提供更優質、 更優惠的產品和更完善的服務。竭誠歡迎國內外客戶到本公司洽談業務, 真誠希望與您成為長期的合作伙伴,繼續開創雙贏的局面。謝謝! This company had been established in 2000, is situated at southeast China coastal Fujian Province Jinjiang, is situated in the Chinese shoes all.Has been through repeatedly more than ten years endeavor, obtains the rapid development, has become the shoes material well-known enterprise,is specialized production shoes with the ledger wall wholesaler.In local field lead registration crown:HEXINNGTEX “With is popular reaches” brand each product: The waterproof cardboard, the fiberboard, the red board, the ash plates, the orange board, insert the wainscot, pick, in prosperously the Turk pine, the ash, the white stripe the bottom, the Li new bottom, white, in the green cross-pointing bottom, the cotton lining, the regeneration the bottom and so on low, the upscale shoes with the ledger wall, the variety complete, the factory direct sale, the quality stable, the service are thorough. Our product already through the domestic and foreign many examination organization standard test, in places and so on Guangdong,Wenzhou, Shijiazhuang all was equipped with the sale point, the product already sells in distant markets to shoes material markets and so on the Asian, Middle East, European and South America state. Thanks everybody since long ago to our attention and the support, we will continue for you to provide higher quality,the preferential benefit product and a more perfect service. Welcome the domestic and foreign customers to discuss the service wholeheartedly to this company, the sincere hope becomes the long-term partner with you, continues to found the win-win aspect.Thanks!
員工人數 | 5 人以下 | 年營業額 | 0 | 公司注冊地 | 晉江市 | 主要經營地點 | 陳埭鞋都F幢30號1-3樓 | 法定代表人 | 林玉雙 | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,全球 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 鞋材;鞋用中底;纖維板;中底板;低檔鞋用中底板;中檔鞋用中底板;中襯;高檔鞋用中底板 |