Corporation Profile:公司介紹 Weldo is located in Dongguan Wanjiang Jane shanzhou industrial zones. Started from 2006, Weldo has spent 4 years on plastic dropping machine from the very beginning R&D stage to making it as a practical, mature technology. With joint effort of company staffs and customers, with updating and upgrading for many times, Weldo dropping machine is not running just for showing but takes its role in real commercial process for long and effective operation. We sell the machines all over the country and keep ZERO record for quality complain since May,2009, which proves Weldo has successfully setup a milestone of high automation in dripping industry. Weldo has a strong team made up by 2 Doctors, 6 engineers and 16 after service staffs. In Mar.2008, Branch office was established for East China marketing, mainly for Zhejiang, Jiangsu area. Now the office is situated in Louqiao town,Wenzhou city. In Apr.2010, Tianjin office was setup, providing service for customers in North China, like Tianjin and Hebei. Also, more offices will be founded step by step in area like Fujian Quanzhou, Qingdao, Chongqing etc to cover more customers all over China. 東莞維度自動化設備有限公司是一個以精確的流體控制為核心業務的科技型公司。 公司目標是:推動滴塑、點漆行業自動化, 提升產業素質與效率,用高效節能環保的自動化技術為行業提供規范化生產流程。公司理念是為客戶創造價值,與客戶共同成長。 公司現有博士2名,工程師6名,售后服務技術員16名。 2008年3月,即在浙江設立華東辦事處,后搬遷到浙江溫州婁橋鎮,負責溫州和臺州市場的銷售和服務。 2010年4月,為了服務天津和河北客戶,公司在天津設立華北售后服務中心 2010年6月,在上海嘉定南翔鎮設立上海辦事處,負責上海江蘇和浙江湖州市場; 2010年6月,在福建晉江陳埭設立晉江辦事處,負責福建市場, 維度滴塑機從2006年在開始研制,歷經4年的試驗、生產,長時間生產,流程化高效生產等產業化大量工作;在公司同仁和客戶共同努力下,現有95%的滴塑機在全國各地高效生產。自2009年5月份以來,維度公司與客戶質量糾紛保持"零"記錄,標志維度滴塑機率先成為一個成熟的工業產品。 維度滴塑機歷經4年開發,自從第三代配置伺服電機的八色自動滴塑機推出后,得到滴塑行業的認可,東莞中堂雙鴻,天津同亨,大連華田,博羅立泰,中山球記等多家行業知名企業多次采購,并產生良好的效益。 維度自動滴塑機質量穩定,已出口到印尼和越南等國。