鴻崴縫紉機器有限公司十多年前在臺灣創建,注冊商標“金品牌”。是工業縫紉機中的特種機進軍,服務大陸的先驅。 公司本著“精益求精、不斷開發、服務至上”之精神。近年更加速擴大生産、引進工作母機,加強科學管理。産品更趨系列化、標準化、價格合理化,爲不斷發展的有關行業竭誠服務。 Hongwei sewing machine Co., Ltd. was founded in Taiwan ten years ago, registering the trademark " kingpin ".It is an special kind in the industry sewing machine, serve the continental pioneer. The company is in the light of "try for the best, develop continuously, service highest" it spirit.The recent years extends the production and usher in the machine tool more and soon, enhancing the science management.Product gradually the series turn, standardizes, the price rationalizes, for continuously the relevant profession that develop serves with all sincerity.
公司注冊地 | 廣東 | 主要經營地點 | - | 法定代表人 | - | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 縫紉設備;內線機;削皮機 |