福建省晉江市華泉金屬工藝有限公司是專業生產鞋服、箱包、皮帶扣、電子等一系列五金飾品、配件的企業。創辦至今有二十幾年的歷史,公司占地面積達一萬平方米,廠房建筑實用面積二萬平方米。并引進國外先進生產設備,設立電鍍車間,進口激光鐳射室,電腦設計室,可為廣大客戶提供高品質的五金配件,和提供具有競爭力的價格,我們竭誠歡迎海內外客戶光臨洽談訂購! Our company specializes in a series of five metals ornaments, such as shoes clothes, case andbag, belt clamp, electron,etc., enterprise of the fittings. Establishing has a history of more than 20 years so far, the company covers an area of 10,000 square meters, The practical area of building of factory building is 20,000 square meters. And introduce the foreign advanced production equipment, set up and electroplate the workshop , import the laser room of laser, The design office of the computer, can offer the five metals fittings of high quality to the masses of customers , With offer competitive price, we welcome at home and abroad customer come over and consult ordering wholeheartedly!
員工人數 | 0 | 年營業額 | 人民幣 5000 萬元 - 1 億元 | 公司注冊地 | 福建晉江市 | 主要經營地點 | 國內、國際市場 | 法定代表人 | 王建泉 | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,北美,南美,東南亞,中東 | 質量控制 | 內部 | 主營產品或服務 | 鞋材配件;鞋跟鞋服箱包鞋花;皮帶扣鑲鉆裝飾扣;商標扣;五金鞋扣;金屬工藝;燒焊上鉆鞋扣;飾品鏈條燒焊鏈條 |