晉江匯泉鞋材有限公司始建于1996年,公司座落于晉江第一工業區,五里工業園區。本廠引進德國先進生產設備及生產流水線,年產量20000噸,產品主要為化纖樹脂樸(港寶),化纖中底板,產品是由天然植物纖維木漿加優質乳膠和其它化工輔料生產制成,具有粘性強,定型好,耐久性佳,粘合后不分層,抗張力強、抗撕裂度強;韌性、挺度、屈撓性極佳等特點。廣泛應用于皮鞋,旅游鞋等各種鞋類,也可用于各種箱包背板和底板。可按客戶需要生產成0.9mm-2.5mm不同厚度及不同規格,片裝或卷裝;顏色也可按顧客的要求調制,并可提供多種花紋,及,環保紙鞋托,材質:紙,樣式:可按客戶要求,適合鞋型:皮鞋、休閑鞋、運動鞋等 我廠是專業生產紙漿模塑的企業,擁有多條設備先進的生產線,開發、設計、生產各種類型、規格的紙托產品。本產品適用用各種規格的鞋類,產品材質為紙漿,可根據客戶要求定做各類紙鞋托、蛋盒等; 所有產品均通過歐洲鞋材標準(歐標)認證,價格合理,歡迎廣大客戶來電咨詢。 Jinjiang Huiquan shoes material manufacture Co., Ltd set up from 1996’s, it located in Jinjiang first industrial zone, Wuli Industrial zone. Our factory bring in advanced manufacture equipment and production line from Germany, annual turnout 20,000 tons. Main products are: insole, nonwoven fabric, the products are produced by savageness foliage fiber wood pulp and high quality latex and other chemical supplement, and have the speciality of strong toughness, good design finalize, fine wear quality, no-delamination after conglutinate, tensile force resistant, tearing resistant; tenacity, endure and subdue well. The products are used popularly in leather shoes, tour shoes and other kinds of shoes, also used as backboard and motherboard for kinds of cases and bags. All the products pass the European Shoes Material Standard authentication, price is reasonable and competitive, welcome clients’ contact and requiry