晉江市金鈸鞋業有限公司創建于一九九五年,2002年通過國際質量體系ISO9001-2000認證,并通過ISO14001環境管理體系認證。現建有三萬二仟平方米的標準廠房,擁有五條先進流水生產線,并配備高素質員工三百多人。專門生產PVC注塑拖鞋、EVA注塑拖鞋、注塑布鞋、手工鞋等多品種的產品系列。公司本著以質量求生產以創新求發展的經營理念將產品暢銷于歐洲、東南亞、南美、北美、非洲等世界各國,在國際市場上享有盛盛譽。 JINJIANG JINBO SHOES CO.LTD.was founded in 1995.It is a foreign-capitalized and enterprise which has passed the ISO9001-2000International Quality System in 2002.It is a big factory which covers an area of 12,000㎡ for production.The company owns five production lines and has more than 300 high-talented personnels.We specialize in producing PVC injection slippers,handicraft shoes and sandals in high quality and graceful styles.Our products are highly praised by numberous customers in international market and sale well in several coutries and areas such as Europe and South China.
公司注冊地 | 晉江內坑 | 主要經營地點 | 晉江內坑 | 主營產品或服務 | PVC拖鞋;EVA拖鞋;手工拖鞋 |