A.- 港寶(另名:化學片)
B.- 港寶熱熔膠
C.- 水刺布熱熔膠 & 細布熱熔膠
D.- 纖維中底板及其復合產品
E.- 條紋中底
F.- 紙中底板及其復合產品
G.- 插腰板
H.- 富榮布(或P.P.堪培拉)復合EVA
I.- 富榮布(或P.P.堪培拉)復合海綿
J.- 麂皮絨復合EVA
K.- EVA/高發泡過不干膠
L.- 網布
M.- 麗新布
N.- 仿里皮
以上所有的自有產品全部能過歐標/美標的化性 (如偶氮、五氯酚、重金屬…等) 檢測,且能達到相關產品的物性檢測要求。
J. Z. Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Was separated from 3 factories & was registered as a exclusive trade department on March 9th, 2009 in Kong Kong. Meanwhile, its ShiShi Office was set up. The main purposes are to save management cost, easier handling of export orders & documents and better receipt of buyers’ visiting…etc. At the same year, JZ brand & its new design was used into almost of export orders.
We have our own Nonwoven Factory & Shank Board Factory & Paper Insole Factory, and we also have the quality coating factories to cooperate with us .
As a multi-manufacturer & exporter, we have seven production lines for nonwoven material, two production lines for shank board and one production line for paper insole board.
Till year 2017, we already had 31 years of experience of shoe’s Materials. Our production departments always are promising well the quality, and our sale-team has the rich experience of international business & export operation.
Our own products as bellowing,
A.- Nonwoven Toe Puff & Counter Material (also named Nonwoven Chemical Sheet)
B.- Thermoplastic Toe Puff & Counter Material (also named Nonwoven Hot Melt)
C.- Ping Pong Hot Melt (nonwoven back & textile backing)
D.- Nonwoven Insole Board and its related lamination products
E.- Nonwoven Strobel Insole Board
F.- Paper Insole Board (also named Cellulose Board) and its related lamination products
G.- Shank Board
And, we also are covering the bellowing Trade Items,
H.- P. P. Nonwoven (Cambrella) Coated with EVA
I.- P. P. Nonwoven (Cambrella) Coated with Sponge
J.- Velour Coated With EVA
K.- EVA (PE Foam) Coated With Self-Adhesive
L.- Air-Mesh
M.- Nonwoven Stich-Bonded Cloth
N.- Nonwoven Imitated Leather for shoes lining
Except for the coating material & Trade Items, all our own products are matching with REACH Rules & ISO standard & USA standard for shoes components/accessories to their Chemical Tests (e.g.: AZO & pentachlorophenol & Heavy Metal…etc), and most of the own products are passing their Physical Tests due to SATRA & ISO standard & USA standard.
We always are obeying our Business Strategy“Quality First, Reasonable Prices, One Country One Excellent Customer”. In this way, our customersalways stand well in their competitive market with our stablequality & reasonable prices, and they won’t face any bad competitive from the same quality products.
Now, our products are selling well in European markets & Latin-American markets & Asian markets & Middle-East markets & African markets…etc, total is covering more than 30 countries. And, our JZ brand was known well and supported well!