中外合資泉州市豐澤麗隆乳膠鞋材有限公司,創建于一九八八年,座落于著名僑鄉,海上絲綢之路---福建省泉州市。公司自創建之日起便以高起點立足于行業界,本著“精益求精、追求卓越”的宗旨,不斷開拓,不懈努力,現已發展為一家集研發、生產、銷售服務于一體的中型科技民營企業。 發展中,公司敏銳地預見并把握住行業先進科技和管理方法的發展方向,通過不斷引進、儲備高素質的技術、經營管理人才,吸收、消化國內外先進技術,現擁有6條國際先進生產流水線,專業生產天然發泡乳膠鞋材(復合布、鞋材、半襯、成型襯、腰海棉、后跟、全襯)、乳膠光棉等產品,產品具有防臭 、防濕、穿著松軟舒適,衛生保健等功能,是現代鞋業、家紡等行業最佳選用的材料。 我們將一如往既地堅持“以研發為動力,以技術為基礎,以質量為根本”的原則,不斷深化研發,適應社會發展的需求,為市場提供更優質的產品和更完善的服務,可根據客戶要求設計制作出各種市場適銷的乳膠發泡制品,與您同進步、共發展、邁向行業一流科技企業的目標。 China and foreign countries joint venture Quanzhou Fengze Lilong Latex Foam Footwear Materail Co.,Ltd. is located in famous overseas chinese hometown.which is the orign region of Sea Silk Road—QuanZhou .The company starts with high jumping-off point in trade field .it develops to middle type science technology non-government enterprise.which research and develop. Manufacture.sell and service in a line . Nowadays,our company own 4 internation advanced produce pipeline for professional natural latex insoles .Our main products include natural latex shoes materials : such as complex fabric.shoes material.half liners .molding liners.loin sponges,heeels and whole liners.as well as latex smmoth cotton products:such as latex pillows and mattresses.We also provide various other foam items. All of our products are non-toxic and moth-proof .with good permeability and flexibility while holding perfect shapes and forms.Most latex products can be produced with pleasant odors according to customer’s requirements.These products have such functions as deodorizing, preventing damp and good for health,which are ideal materials for shoes and weaves vocation. Adhering to the enterprise principle of “regarding reserch and deveopment as power.technology as core and quality as base”.We employ many senior specialists and technicians,and introduce morden business management theories,Besides,taking the market strategy of “customer first ,quality superior”.we are making efforts to delivery satisfachion to our customers. We are sure that our high quality products and excellent service will attract more and more customer appreciation.Contacting us is the first step to build up a successful business relationship with us .if you are interested in any our products .please feel free to contact us for more information .We look forward to cooperating with you in the near future .