龍森機械位于中國四大鞋都之一—晉江,公司專業代理.銷售廣東、溫州先進的鞋業與鞋楦業設備。為客戶提供業內性價比最好的鞋業與鞋楦業機械,我公司以完美的機械品質,及時.貼心的售后服務,使得我公司的制鞋機械迅速行銷全國各地,在行業內擁有良好的口碑。 本公司服務宗旨是:“信譽第一、用戶至上。”秉承著這一宗旨,把優質的產品、最滿意的服務呈現給廣大制鞋與鞋楦企業。以品質取信客戶,以服務鞏固客戶,以創新開發客戶。 客戶的需要及客戶的建議是我們的動力,客戶的滿意是我們的追求。 Located in one of China shoes capitals –Jinjiang, Longshen machinery trade company acts as an agent of advanced shoes machinery of Taiwan,Guangdong,Wenzhou to provide shoes making machinery of best quality&price for customers. The company’s shoes making machinery sell all over the country with very good reputation due to the perfect quality, good after-sell service. The company has adhered to the principle of “credit first, customers foremost”, provide excellent product, best service to vast shoes making enterprises. Convince customers with best quality, confirm customers with good service, develop customers with innovation. Customer’ need and suggestion is our driving force, customers’ satisfaction is our pursuit .
員工人數 | 0 | 年營業額 | 0 | 公司注冊地 | 福建泉州市晉江 | 主要經營地點 | 福建泉州市晉江 | 法定代表人 | ------ | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,全球 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 代理鞋業鞋機設備;成型流水線;油壓前幫機;壓底機;撥楦機鞋楦機;裁斷機;壓邊機刨頭機;涼鞋開槽機 |