中國溫州紳馳鞋業有限公司位于環境優雅交通便利的中國鞋都一期7號園區。本公司引進國際先進的制鞋流水線,專業生產各式精品男女鞋、涼鞋、棉鞋、時裝鞋、休閑鞋、沙灘鞋等系列產品,款式新穎、美觀、舒適、質量穩定、可靠,是一個集科研、開發、生產銷售及服務于一體的現代化制鞋企業。公司不僅注重生產還注重人才的培養,擁有多名優秀專業設計人員和一批經過嚴格培訓的管理人員及一批素質良好、技術嫻熟的員工。 溫州紳馳鞋業嚴格按照國家質量標準生產,按照ISO9001國際質量體系的管理標準運行,建立了龐大而完整的全球銷售網絡,涵蓋中東、非洲、港澳臺、歐洲及東南亞等地區。擁有自立品牌----瑪雅京蒂,并與多個國家和地區的客戶建立了長期穩定友好的貿易關系,產品深受客商的贊譽和好評。 隨著紳馳鞋業的業務發展和生產需要,2006年,公司正式興建二期工程----霞浦縣旭騰鞋業有限公司(公司占地60000平方米,目前正在籌備多條先進、規范的流水線,現已基本完成)。同時成立浙江奧騰進出口有限公司(為公司的業務發展及產品多元化奠定良好基礎)。公司奉行“以人為本,誠信至上”的經營管理理念,倡導“敢為天下先”的企業精神,使企業在竟爭激烈的國際市場中得以穩步發展,熱忱歡迎更多的客商與我們真誠合作,攜手并進,共創美好的未來。 Located in Wenzhou, China’s capital of shoes, Wenzhou Shenchi Shoes Co.,Ltd is a modernized shoemaking enterprise which integrates scientific research ,development ,production, sales and service as a whole. We introduced advanced shoemaking production lines from aboard and specialize in producing a variety of men’s and women’s shoes, sandals, cotton shoes, dress shoes, casual shoes, beach shoes,etc. Our shoes are fashionable and attractive, comfortable to wear and enjoy reliable quality. Our company has enough professional designers and a group of managerial talents who have received strict training and a group of skilled workers. All our products are produced in strict accordance with national production standard and the standard of ISO 9001 international quality management system. We’ve built a large complete global sales network which covers the areas of Middle East, Africa, European, Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia and owns our own brand “MAYAJINGDI ”. We’ve also build long term business relationship with customers from many countries and regions. In order to meet the production needs, our company started the second phase project in 2006---Xiapu County Xunteng Shoes Co.,Ltd. Meanwhile,Zhejiang Aoteng Import and Export Co.,Ltd was founded. We’ve adhered to the business philosophy of “Human Oriented,Supreme Integrity”, advocated the business spirit of “Dare to be the first” to maintain stable development in fierce market competition. Warmly welcome customers form home and aboard to cooperate us to create a brilliant future.