國發(福建)塑膠有限公司位于海峽西岸晉江市江頭工業區,是國內具有規模生產特種鞋材的機構。公司下設橡膠大底廠、EVA片材廠、運動鞋廠及皮鞋廠。現擁有廠房12萬平方米,員工3500余人,技術人員200多名,引進國外EVA先進設備18套、EVA成型機25套、橡膠成型機30套、二次EVA成型機12套、TPR及EVA成型線8條。 公司在致力于發展主業的同時,力求拓展新行業,探索新領域,走集團化發展之路。在全國設立辦事處及經銷處。近年來,公司積極與外商進行多領域,多層次的交流合作,使公司產業機構不斷優化,經營范圍及規模日益擴大。 多年來,國發人在不斷研發探索的努力下填補了國內鞋類“防油止滑”的空白,并將防油止滑的科研成果成功的應用于生產,榮膺25項國家專利,此項專利同時亦在美國、歐盟28國、日本、澳大利亞、新加坡、香港等諸多國家地區的認可,獲得“高新技術企業”的榮譽。 Guo Fa(Fu jian)Plastic&Rubber Limited Company islocated in Jinjiang Jiangtou lndustrial the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits.Gf is the scale of production with a special shoe body.The company consists of rubber outsole faceory, EVA sheet plant,fashion sports shoe and shoe factory.GF hasa workshop with the area of 120,000 centiares, there are more 3000 employees and 200technicans in it .It has imported foreign equipment such as 18 Units of EVA advanced equipment, 25 units of EVA molding machine, 30 units of rubber moiding machine, 12 units of the second EVA molding machine, TPR and 8 molding lines of EVA. Besides specializing in plastic and rubber, GF is also looking lut for new investment opportunities. It have set up offices & distributions throughout China. Since several years ago, many kinds of exchanges and coopertions between GF and the foreign traders have greatly increased the operations and scopes of GF. Over the years, constant research and development in the country made efforts to explore the domestic shoes to fill”anti-oil-slip”in the blank, and anti-slip of the research the success of the oil used in production, was awarded 25 national patents, this patent at the same time in the U.S.,the EU 28 countries, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and many other countries and regions, recognition, access to “high-tech enterprise” of the honor.