泉州科駿化工有限公司創建于2005年,系香港三盛集團旗下專業從事導電材料研發及應用的高科技企業。作為國內導電材料領域的新銳,科駿與國內外眾多知名化工企業、科研機構結成戰略協作同盟,導電、防靜電、電磁屏蔽技術國際一流,積貫了豐富的產品資源和應用實踐,特別是主導產品——超導電炭黑更是以其卓越的導電性能而名聞遐邇,深受海內外用戶的贊譽和信賴。 “貼近客戶、成就客戶、協作共贏”,這是科駿化工的一貫宗旨。謀劃未來,我們愿繼續秉持“服務客戶、用戶至上”的經營理念,以導電材料為紐帶,積極為廣大客戶全方位、定制化服務,真誠與廣大客戶攜手并進、共謀發展! Quanzhou KeJun Chemical Co., LTD is a Subsidiary of Hong Kong SanSheng Group, which was founded in 2005. KeJun specialized in trading of conductive materials and related technical applications. KeJun has worked with chemical companies and institutes to introduce super electric conductive carbon black for different Industrial applications. KeJun has secured different resources to meet our customers demand and applications in electronic conductivity industry, including electric conduction, antistatic and electromagnetic shielding. The principles of our service is "Complying with contracts, Customer is supreme", KeJun hopes to introduce better conductive materials, with our sincerely service to witnesses win-win situation of our bilateral relationship