溫州潤泰高新鞋料有限公司,以及溫州賽奔乳膠制品有限公司是一家專業生產以及銷售化纖中底板、精品化學片、熱熔膠化學片、無紡布、乳膠海綿等鞋材系列產品,以及乳膠海綿席夢思、床墊、各種軟墊等產品的工廠。公司主導產品:賽奔牌各種乳膠棉,具有透氣、吸汗、高回彈、壓不扁等特性,被廣泛應用在制鞋、箱包、地毯等行業;生產的中底板、化學片以及無紡布也受到各行業的好評。 公司于2007年花巨資引進二條歐洲公司生產的全電腦控制連續發泡流水線(國內企業獨家擁有),進口德國BAYER、BASF、南韓KKPC、日本等國際公司的原輔材料,生產的賽奔牌乳膠海綿與市場同類產品相比,厚度更準確、密度更均勻、質量更穩定、舒適感更強。而且賽奔乳膠海綿不含對人體有害的重金屬、甲醛、六鉻鉀等化學成分,產品符合美國、日本、歐盟等國家的環保要求!故而歐美訂單以及國內鞋王紛紛使用賽奔牌乳膠海綿,并遠銷美國、歐盟、日本、越南、印度等數十個國家與地區,深受歡迎! Wenzhou Runtai High New Shoe Material Co.,Ltd. and Wenzhou Saiben Latex Products Co.,Ltd. is specialized in producing and selling chemical insole board,chemical sheet , hot melt adhesive chemical sheet,non-woven fabric,latex foam, latex foam spring mattress, mattress and all kinds of cushion mats. Our main product is Saiben brand latex foam which features good air permeability, moisture wicking properties, high resilience and widely used in the industry of shoes, bag&case, carpet. In 2007,Our company spend a large sum of money to introduce two foaming production lines from European and import raw material from Germany BAYER, BASF, South Korean KKPC and Japan. Compared with other like products, Sanben brand latex foam has more accurate thickness, well-distributed destiny and harmful heavy metals, formaldehyde, chromium potassium are not included in. Sanben brand latex foam sells well and has been well received in American, EU, Japan, Vietnam and India. Contact Person: Mr. Yu , Mr. Xu 手機號碼:13958891771 , 13634239755 Mobile Phone: 13958891771 , 13634239755 門市部電話:0577-85306789 廠里座機: 0577-65555559 0577-65020888 廠里傳真: 0577-65555551 0577-65027787 詳細地址:廠址:浙江省瑞安市飛云鎮云周半河工業區 Address: Yunzhou Banhe Industrial Zone, Feiyun Town, Rui’an City,Zhejiang Province 門市部::溫州黃龍鞋料市場A區5街37號 Address: No.37, Street 5,Huanglong Shoe Material Market,Wenzhou 郵編:325000 Zip Code: 325000 網址:http://rtxc.shoes.net.cn Website:http://rtxc.shoes.net.cn