晉江盛大鞋材(皮革)貿易有限公司位于福建晉江中國鞋都,鞋展館1樓北側1單元(中國郵政隔壁),是一家專業以旅游鞋、跑鞋、板鞋、休閑鞋鞋材為主的新興企業。 公司主要經營中剝離、高剝離、耐水解、高密度、透氣革等系列仿皮產品;牛巴;瘋馬、羊絨、壓花、擦焦、軟皮等系列休閑鞋材,環保達到新歐盟標準。同時還提供超值服務:分化、沖孔、改色、找樣、前沿信息分享等等…… 雖是新興企業,但其前身已有10多年“鞋企”的經營、管理經驗,能更貼切“鞋行業”發展的需求,從決策層面與角度出發,可最大限度地為企業解決主要材料----皮革與產品對接的問題,能最大限度地為您降低采購成本。 盛大人本著對工作全力以赴,對客戶全情投入的精神,真誠期待與您攜手共進,共創輝煌! Jinjiang Shengda Shoes material (leather) Trading Co., Ltd. is located in China Shoes Capital of Jinjiang, Fujian, unit one , north of first floor of the Shoe exhibition hall( next to China Post). Our company is a emerging enterprise which specialized in shoes material of hiking shoes, running shoes, board shoes, and casual shoes. Our company mainly engaged in series leather products which are peeling,high peeling, hydrolysis resistance,high-density,breathable leather; nubuck;series of casual shoes material which include crazy horese pu, cashmere,embossing,brushed PU, soft leather etc. Our standard of environment protection reach The New EU Environmental Standards. At the same time , we also offers the best value for services differentiation,punching,changing colors, looking for samples, sharing advanced information and so on. Although we are a emerging enterprise, our predecessor has more than 10-year experience of operating and managing “ shoes business”. We can more appropriately to meet the development needs for "shoe industry". Starting with the level and perspective of policy-making , we will try our best to solve the problem--- the main material (leather) docking with products and lower your procurement costs furthest. Shengda adhere to the spirit of “best state to work, whole-hearted to our customers”. We sincerely looking forward to cooperating with you and create a brilliant future together.
公司注冊地 | 福建晉江 | 主要經營地點 | 福建晉江 | 法定代表人 | ------ | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,全球 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 中剝離仿皮產品;透氣革仿皮產品;耐水解;仿皮產品;鞋材皮革;中巴;瘋馬革;太空革 |