東莞市華特轉印燙畫材料有限公司成立于1996年;經過不斷發展狀大;現有員工800多人;本公司長期專注燙金紙,熱轉印/燙畫材料的研發、生產、銷售、技術一條龍為客戶提供一站式服務;公司已經服務于熱轉印廠、服飾輔料廠、絲印廠、紡織布料廠等特種印刷行業近十五年。下設一個精細油墨化工有限公司,一個反光材料廠,一個熱轉印涂布廠等是國內外多家知名企業的優質供應商。公司依托日本、韓國先進技術,內地的低生產成本,利用廣泛的業務渠道、優秀的加工技術,在熱轉移方面取得了長足的進步,如:燙畫硅膠,熱轉印油墨,反光轉印膜,熱轉印刻字膜,離型膜等方面都有一個跨躍式的發展,產品種類多,性價比高,可滿足客戶不同布料、不同洗水、不同彈性的要求,技術服務全面、周到!產品均已通過SGS的檢測,品質穩定,質量上乘,讓客戶用得放心、省心是客戶長期信賴我們的法寶、“誠信,環保,質量穩定;服務周到”是華特人的生存之本!堅持不斷技術創新,產品創新,科學嚴謹的做細做精產品,力求成為優質產品的代名詞,堅持不懈的為開創中國百年品牌企業而奮斗。 公司主營產品:熱轉印油墨(水性/油性/熱固)、熱熔膠(水性/油性/熱固)、燙畫硅膠、硅膠膠水、硅膠熱熔粉、反光材料(印花/刻字)、熱轉印刻字膜、彩噴膜、燙畫膠片、反光粉、夜光膜、燙金紙、防水布熱熔膠、防升華黑油墨等 Dongguan Huate transfer printing material Co., Ltd. was founded in 1996; after continuous development of large shaped; the existing staff more than 800 people; the company's long-term focus gilt paper, thermal transfer / provide one-stop service R & D, production, sales of print materials, technical one-stop customer; company has been serving the thermal transfer printing factory, clothing accessories factory, printing factory, cloth factory and other special printing industry for nearly fifteen years. Consists of a fine printing ink Chemical Co., Ltd., a reflective material factory, a thermal transfer coating factory is a quality supplier for many well-known enterprises at home and abroad. The company relies on Japan, Korea advanced technology, low production cost, the mainland, the processing technology of extensive business channels, excellent, has made considerable progress in heat transfer, such as silica gel: heat transfer, thermal transfer ink, reflective transfer film, transfer lettering film, release film has a rapid development style, many kinds of products, high cost performance, can satisfy the customer different fabrics, different washing, different flexibility requirements, technical comprehensive, thoughtful service! Products have passed SGS testing, stable quality, good quality, so that customers at ease, peace of mind is the long-term customer trust our magic, "integrity, environmental protection, quality and stability; and thoughtful service" is the survival of the walter! Insist on technological innovation, product innovation, scientific and rigorous do fine do fine products, and strive to become synonymous with high quality product, unremittingly for brand enterprises hundred years Chinese struggle. The main products of the company: thermal transfer ink (water / oil / thermoset), hot melt adhesive (water / oil / thermoset), silica gel, silica gel, silica gel hot melt glue powder, reflective materials (print / lettering), thermal transfer lettering membrane, spray membrane, heat transfer film, reflective powder, luminous film, bronzing more paper .waterproof cloth, hot melt adhesive and more...... 東莞市華特轉印燙畫材料有限公司 電 話:86-0769-85652926 傳 真:86-0769-81623772 Skype:wang.lele2 郵 編:523867 郵 箱:Seven_syfy@163.com 詳細地址: 中國廣東省東莞市寮步鎮坑口工業區