泉州拓寶鞋材有限公司成立于2014年,地處素有福建“著名僑鄉”及“品牌之都”美譽的--晉江,是一家專業生產自行車鞋底、TPU足球鞋底的企業,在歷經多年的發展歷程中積累了豐富的經驗,所生產的TPU足球鞋底具有耐磨、耐撕裂、彈性好、抗沖擊等特點,受到業界人士的廣泛好評。主要產品有PA自行車鞋底、碳纖維鞋底、TPU足球鞋底、跑釘鞋底,時裝鞋底,舞蹈鞋底。 公司將本著“優質創新、誠信合作、互惠互利、共同發展”的宗旨,竭誠為客戶提供優質的產品和完善的服務。本公司愿與您攜手并進,共創輝煌!
Quanzhou Rio treasure shoes material co., LTD., founded in 2014, is located in known as \"hometown of fujian and the reputation of\" the brand \"- jinjiang, is a company specializing in the production of bicycle sole, TPU football shoes enterprises, after years of development, accumulated rich experience in the production of TPU soccer shoes have abrasion resistance, tear resistance, good elasticity, impact resistance and other characteristics, widely praised by the industry. The main products are PA bicycle shoes,cabon shoes,TPU football shoes, running spikes, fashion shoes, dance shoes. Company will be in line with \"quality innovation, good faith cooperation, mutual benefit, common development\" principle, wholeheartedly provide customers with quality products and perfect service. The company is willing to work with you hand in hand, create brilliance!
員工人數 | 11 - 50 人 | 年營業額 | 0 | 公司注冊地 | 泉州 | 主要經營地點 | 晉江 | 法定代表人 | ---- | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,北美,南美,西歐,東歐,東亞,東南亞,中東,非洲,大洋洲,全球 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | TPU足球鞋底;跑丁鞋鞋底;時裝鞋鞋底;自行車鞋鞋底;TPU飾片;港寶;足球鞋底;鞋底 |