福建石獅市力賦服飾發展有限公司是一家集設計、生產、銷售于一體的針織服裝企業.工廠擁有專業的設計隊伍和一流的針織服裝加工設備,采用嚴格的工藝流程,經過專業人員的加工,保證產品的質量,產品主要銷往、南非、尼日利亞、中東.菲律賓。公司經過多年的努力現與許多.采購商和貿易商建立了長期穩定,互利互惠的合作關系。 This company is a fair design, the production, the sale to a body knitting clothing enterprise The factory has the specialized design troop and the first-class knitting clothing processing equipment, uses the strict technical process, the process specialist's processing, guaranteed the product the quality, the product mainly sells to, South Africa, Nigeria, the Middle East Manila Philippines and so on. The company passes through many years diligently presently and many Purchase business and trade business established long-term has been stable, mutually beneficial reciprocal benefit cooperation relations.
公司注冊地 | 中國福建石獅市 | 主要經營地點 | 全國各地區 | 法定代表人 | 蔡炳東 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 生產針織服飾;生產運動紡織服飾;童裝;服裝加工;承接訂單 |