我廠是生產尼龍粘扣帶魔術貼、射出勾魔術貼、蘑菇頭魔術貼、軟勾魔術貼、勾毛同體魔術貼、不抓毛魔術貼、發卷魔術貼、高周波電壓魔術貼、防火阻燃魔術貼、背靠背魔術貼、背膠魔術貼、松緊魔術貼、沖型魔術貼、3M魔術貼、魔術布/OK布、注塑袖口魔術貼、3D VR眼鏡頭帶、運動器材魔術貼、醫用魔術貼、數據線收納皮扣、研磨片魔術貼、特殊魔術貼等產品定制加工的大型廠家之一
Our company specializes in the Velcro Tape(Magic Sticker) nylon fastener tape and nylon hair rollers. Having 16 years of manufacture experience. We are in the dominant position in
the same line of business on the price and quality.
We can offer the following sizes:
12.5mm,16mm,20mm,25mm,30mm,38mm,50mm,100mm,110mm,125mm all kinds of colors
including black & white ,we also can dye the differntly colors as the
costumer's samples colors ,and we can produce 200 million meters once a year
粘扣帶適用范圍Touch Fastener can replace traditional fasteners such as buttons and zippers. Its advantages of convenience, multi-function and strong can enhance the applications in apparel, sporting goods, bags, shoes, health care..,etc.
Adhesive Tape
IT resists heat, cold and OOP. The tapes with good tack and
without excessive glue are suitable for using on stationary and plasticworks
within the temperature -20°C~70°C.
Adhesive Tape
IT is heat-actived and resistant to high temperature. It
will be fully boned after 24 hours and situable for applying to mobile industry
within the temperature -20°C~70°C.
電線帶 TRIHOOK AB TOUCH FASTENER is creatively made under Paiho Group's professional production process. This AB Tape touch fastener minimizes the size of the product by weaving the hooks and loops on one side and keeps the same closure function as general. This product is exclusively used as fasteners for cable tie, luggage, lunch box, book, etc. It is also applied as zipper pullers for a brilliant idea on product design.