石獅偉億發鞋材有限公司:http://weiyifa.shoes.net.cn/ Shishi Weiyifa Shoe Material Co.,Ltd. 偉發鞋材有限公司成立于2008年,專業生產保利優、烏金鳳、RB發泡、EVA,U等中高檔鞋墊;長期與休閑鞋品牌合作。公司有著強大有力的研發團隊,致力于研發一系列高彈、減震、按摩、除臭等功能的鞋墊;還采用國際先進技術的新型環保材料,具有高效的防臭、除菌、吸汗作用,并采用高檔牛皮作為面料,更加彰顯高檔與舒適感。 公司還結合我國傳統中醫藥物,天然植物中草藥,合理的應用到產品當中,e得以更加展現我公司產品的獨特性,具有去除腳氣、異味等功效。 歡迎來電咨詢、洽談、合作,推廣本公司產品。我們將以萬分的誠意,真心的為您服務。 Weifa Shoe Material Co.,ltd. (Founded in 2008) is specilized in producting a variety of high grade insoles including Baoliyou,Wujinfeng,RB foamed and PU insoles. Our company has built long term businessship with many leisure shoes brand . We keep researching and developing insoles with properties of high elasticity, shock absorbing, massageing and deodorization. Application of new eco friendly material significantly improves insole performance. While Cow leather material adds more comfort for feet. Morevoer,adding of chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs makes our products gentle for foot and safe from beriber and unusual smell. Welcome to inquire for cooperation, we are wholehearted at your service! 8008按摩功能、吸汗、防臭; 8008 Foot Massageing, moisture wicking, odor resistant 8007根據足部彎曲特性設計,具有保護腳窩的功能; 8007 Insoles designed to suit the feet characterics; Good to health of feet. 8016商務皮鞋墊,平整的表面具有舒適、防臭、吸汗的功能; 8016 Commercial leather insoles. Propeties: Comfort, odor resistant, moisture wicking. 8104此材料具有高彈性能,讓我們在行走過程中有輕松、快步的感覺; 8104 High elasticity softens your footsteps. 8032是戶外登山鞋的最佳鞋墊,表面的面料具有更強的吸汗、透氣性,更具保持干爽防臭性; 8032 Best insoles for outdoor shoes. Propeties: Moisure wicking, air permeability, odor resistant. 8099綠色保利優海波麗具有更好的吸汗、防臭效果,持久性更強;加上傳統中草藥治理腳氣的特殊功效,更能保證我們腳部干爽無異味的功效; 8099 Application of chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs makes the insoles gentle for foot and safe from beriber and unusual smell. 8021具有吸汗、防臭效果,前部的按摩粒有按摩腳掌穴位的功能。 8021 Moisure wicking,odor resistant, Foot acupoint massaging.