翔豐模具有限公司,坐落于晉江風景優美的西濱農場工業區,擁有標準廠房、先進的設備和高科技的開發設計人員,是一家專業設計制造各種PVC吹氣拖鞋模具、EVA拖鞋模具、TPU足球鞋底模具、高爾夫鞋底模具、田徑鞋底模具、單車鞋底模具、溜冰鞋模具、TPU飾片、運動護膝等鞋模具的企業。 公司自成立以來,一貫以雄厚的技術力量,優良的品質,新穎的設計,良好的信譽及完善的售后服務備受鞋業界同仁的支持與厚愛。公司十分重視新產品開發,收集最新鞋業信息,把握市場動態不斷開發。經驗豐富的專業一線人員,結合客戶的理念,為客戶推出具有引導市場潮流的鞋用模具。 Feng Xiang Co., Ltd., located in Jinjiang scenic West Farm Industrial Park foreshore, with standard factory buildings, advanced equipment and the development of high-tech designers, is a professional design and manufacture a variety of TPU, soccer shoe mold, golf shoe mold, Die sole track and field, cycling shoe mold, mold skates, TPU film decoration, sports and so on kneepad, EVA slippers die at the same time run enterprises. Since its inception, has always been strong in technology, excellent quality, innovative design, good reputation and good after-sales service has the support of colleagues in the shoe industry and love. The company attaches great importance to the development of new products, the collection of up-to-date information on the footwear industry, the market dynamics continue to develop. Experienced front-line staff, customer combining the idea of providing customers with the introduction of market trends to guide the shoe mold.
員工人數 | 0 | 年營業額 | 0 | 公司注冊地 | 泉州晉江 | 主要經營地點 | 晉江市西濱農場工業區 | 法定代表人 | xxx | 主要市場 | 大陸,港澳臺地區,東亞,東南亞,全球 | 管理體系認證 | ISO 9000,ISO 9001 | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | TPU模具PVC模具;溜冰鞋模具;拖鞋模具TPU飾片;鞋模田徑鞋底模具;塑膠模高爾夫鞋底模具;足球鞋底模具;拖鞋 涼鞋PVC鞋帶模具;單車鞋底模具 |