東莞市星河五金飾品有限公司是專業生產各類流行飾品、工藝飾品、工藝禮品、鞋花鞋扣、箱包配件等的大型廠家。我廠設備先進、技術優良、管理完善,竭誠為廣大客戶提供設計精美、質量上乘、價格合理的各類飾品 我廠嚴格管理,本著“為客戶創造價值”的目標發展企業,以穩定的質量和充足的生產力滿足客戶的要求,以“一切以客戶為先”的理念服務客戶。我廠全體同仁期待與各位客戶真誠合作! 歡迎來函洽淡業務! COMPAY PROFILE Dong Guan Xing He metal jewellery Co., Ltd is asizeable manufacturer which are specialised in popdlar assessory / craft / shoeflower / chip and other assdeeory of bagsand luggage. We are well orzanized managing stuff. Providing delioated and qulitide assessory of reasonable price is our goal. We always remember to create value for customers during the developroent of our enterprise and we fullfill the requirements of customers with stable quality and sufficient production capacity. Customers require is our first comsider. We always stick to the tenet or of “Customer alove all, serving customers with ideas” Looking forward to cooperating with you in future. Your telex and letters are most welcome!