太倉仲克貿易有限公司,是一家集物流周轉箱系列;安全勞保系列;清潔用品系列;辦公用品系列;日常用品及五金交電于一體的綜合貿易公司。公司秉承以續不斷提高服務質量的宗旨,客戶滿意信賴為目標。為客戶提供一站式優質服務。我們有自己的勞保生產加工中心,和日常用品生產工廠,想客戶所想,以免費送貨方式為客戶提供最優良的產品的服務。 公司經營的物流周轉箱系列是上海物豪塑料制品有限公司太倉市場的總代理,有效拉近太倉客戶與廠商的距離。工安勞保系列有國際品牌:金佰利、代爾塔、3M、杜邦、雷克蘭、賽固等國際安全勞保品牌,以科技創新技術,竭誠為您提供性價比最好的產品。 公司從1977年創基以來在太倉和昆山、常熟、蘇州地區建立了許多良好的客戶,在客戶中贏取了良好的聲譽,歡迎新老客戶的光臨和指導。 Taicang ZhongKe trade Co., LTD, is a collection of logistics turnover box series, safety protection series, cleaning products series, office supplies series, daily goods and wujinjiaodian in an integrated trading company. Companies adhering to renew the tenet of continuously improving service quality, customer satisfaction, trust for the target. Provide one-stop high-quality service. We have our own labor production processing center, and daily supplies manufacturing factories, want to customer thought, free delivery customers with the best service. Company business logistics turnover box series is Shanghai content hao plastic products Co., LTD. Is the general agent, taicang market effectively close the distance with the manufacturers of taicang customers. Work with international brand, labor insurance series: golden hundred interest, kieron dyer tower, 3M, dupont, LeiKeLan and other international safety protection brand, with technology innovation technology, provide the best cost-effective products
公司注冊地 | 江蘇太倉 | 主要經營地點 | 太倉 | 法定代表人 | --------------- | 質量控制 | 無 | 主營產品或服務 | 太倉勞保鞋;太倉安全鞋;太倉工作鞋;賽固安全鞋 |